Dear friends!
Let me wish you a Happy New Year!
The outgoing year has undoubtedly brought many emotions and reflections to all of us. The world around us was changing very quickly, and not always for the better. There have been many different events. Almost each of us faced losses, but not only they will be remember as the past 12 months.
After all, it was in 2020 that short hockey became a truly independent and full-fledged sport. This year we have gained more than we have lost. New members of our International family have joined us. Despite the harsh conditions of the pandemic and many restrictions, we were able to launch the first international competition. And we have become many steps closer to the first World Cup in the history of short hockey.
I would like to wish all of you to gain more in the coming year and in no case give up, no matter how hard it may seem to you.
May the outgoing year be remembered by all of us not as the year of pandemics and quarantines, but as the year of the International Formation of Short Hockey. And may the coming year be for all of us the year of full rising of short hockey.
And, in spite of everything, may prosperity and love reign in your families. The International Short Hockey Federation is a large international family. Remember, each of us can have a lot of hockey, but the family is always one. The International Short Hockey Federation wishes all members of its large international family a Happy New 2021 Year!
ISHF President,
Maxim Sivalnev